Ok - I guess since the main point of this blog was supposed to be CARVING - I really ought to post at least a couple pics of some of my carvings right? Well, unfortunately our digital camera died a couple months ago and we're going to have to wait awhile to save up for new one. So all I have to post are a few picks of the VERY few carvings I worked on over the last year.
This first is a woodspirit hiking stick in White Birch that I did quite awhile back from a pattern in the Shawn Cipa, Chris Pye and Lora S Irish book on Woodspirits and Greenmen.
I especially love Shawn Cipa's woodspirit faces. They are so unique that you know them immediately. Love his curlycue beards. So I thought I'd give it a shot. Unfortunately, the left eye chipped out a little and I had to try to repair with Cyanoacrylate. So it looks a little off.

Here is a Santa again from a Shawn Cipa pattern. I gave this one to my mom for this past Christmas. Unfortunately, we never got to paint it before Christmas and after I showed it to her she didn't want to let it go for me to complete it. So, he remains unpainted. I did spray on a clear finnish to protect it though.

So there's a small sampling of my carvings. When I can get a chance I post some pics of my bark carvings.
Glad to see you on the Blog again Chuck. I didn't have your address before but I'm subscribed now. Sometimes it can feel like a job to be posting but I just post when I can and don't worry about it when I can't.
Nice carvings that you posted and I also have learned a lot from Shawn Cipa's woodspirit carving designs. That Santa looks nice too but you should've known that mom was gonna clutch onto it. :)
Look forward to the updates when you can.
Hey Dave -
Thanks for the comments and encouragement. Yeah - I'll have to take this thing as a "catch as catch can" sort of approach. Which probably won't make for the most read or followed blog but hey - I am not doing this for fame or fortune right? ;-)
Thanks again for looking and posting your comment!
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