Yeah - well . . . I got a little sidetracked with this thing that pays the bills called "work". So I've totally neglected this blog for nearly a year. Still been reading a lot and participating over on the WCI Forum quite a bit (ChuckT), but as for my own carving and blog . . . nada. I really must be the most undisciplined "carver" ever. For someone who is as fascinated by carving as I am (read constantly, talk on the WCI forum constantly, THINK about it every day etc.) I DO remarkably little of it. Which is why I've not posted links to this blog anywhere.
The thing about me is this . . . I am a LOT like - hmm, there was a character in The Hardy Boys books named Chet (I think) who was a collector of hobbies. A GREAT starter, and terrible finisher. Sadly - I seem to exhibit that trait as well. I find EVERYTHING fascinating. When I see someone doing something that looks interesting I want to learn all about it and do it too. Then interest tends to wane and it falls by the wayside - with the exception of a few things in my life.
1. My marriage & family. Happily married for 23 years now and going strong. 4 fine kids too!
2. Guitar & music. Been playing guitar for 32 years and singing & playing for church for just about as long. Still going strong. Should be a much better player after that long but I do ok.
3. Interest in woodworking and carving. Though I do very little of it my interest has NOT fallen off.
So with carving, I am a slow starter & slow finisher, but hopefully it'll be something I do till I die.
Still, compared to lot's of others out there I am a woefully slow and inadequate "carver". I even hesitate to call myself a carver - kinda like calling myself "an athlete" just because I play a pick up game of basketball or soccer a few times a year. But in my mind - I am and always will be a carver.
Sloyd and Momento Moments
I am sure teachers out there can relate:
You are sitting in a faculty meeting or at a professional development
conference, learning about some new...
1 week ago
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